vader is just too soppy out of all of them he the only one that turned back to good, he let luke skywalker live and if you ask me if he killed him when he had the chance he probley still be alive now and would of truly wiped out the jedi. so i think maul was a typical lookin bad guy that totaly would of beat any of them in a lightsaber fight but not in power, count dooku was just a scared old man scared of another old man and got beat by some kid and nearly beat by some 800 year old green thing. so you just beat a jedi master qui gon and now you just pushed some young padawan down a pit but he is just managing to hang on some red thingy and his lightsaber is like hundreds of feet below him so theres no way he is gonna get that back the last thing you expect is that this person not even a jedi is gonna jump over your head and grab his masters lightsaber and cut you in half. Ok so most people think maul sucked cause he got beat by obi wan.